nine he hath not at any time had any conference with the said Rose concerning the several legacies of 20li apiece given by the last will and testament of her first husband Cuckoe unto every one of her children that she had by him the said Cuckoe as is enquired of in this interrogatory but this deponent saith he hath many times heard the said defendant Rose of her own accord when she sojourned at and in the house of the said Ralph Lunt speak of the same legacies and acknowledge that the said Cuckoe by his will had given 20li apiece unto every one of his children by her the said Rose and that when it should please god that she had an end of her then suits in law she would satisfy and pay all and every of the said legacies or to that effect but the said Rose never told this deponent that she had paid any of the said portions or legacies but rather acknowledged from time to time that they were all unpaid and that she would pay them as is before deposed