Chancery Depositions (PRO C24/504 pt 2 deposition: Lunt v Rosse)

1623 (1623)

document 18000063

three item have not the complainants or one of them at divers and sundry times about sixteen or seventeen years since and at divers other times before and since come unto the defendant's lodging in London and much desired and prayed her to come and lie at their house in London aforesaid in the term time while the said Rose stayed in town what did the said Rose say and answer unto the complainants therein was she not very unwilling to go unto them and is not the said Rose of a good and tender nature and kind disposition and was not she overcome by the much and often importunity of the complainants or one of them in getting her to their said house how or by what means did they get the said Rose to their house and what did the said Rose say therein and how long often or many times hath she been of lain at their said house