an inquisition taken at the Three Cups in the parish of St Andrews in Holborn Middx 1.6.2Chas1 before Edm Beddingfield Edw Alesbury gent Jn Bertby gent commissioners by virtue of the king's commission to them directed out of court to enquire about certain articles in the same commission contained and specified on the oath of Jn Larsham Jn Langford Wm Whetstone Gabriel Thayre Geo Hilliard Abraham Dodd Thos Cross Thos Dempson Jn Walker Jn Kelly Jn Poole and Jn Pole sworn and on their oaths say that Barth Church in the said commission named was at Longstrote in Brabant in parts across the seas the 31.3.1Chas1 in the king 's court in a testimony made by the commissioners to which these jurors have put their signatures