mr Harlakenden 1657 indenture in connection with the marriage settlement of Rich Harlakenden and Mary Merridith this indenture made the 7.1.1657 between Rich Harlakenden the younger of Earls Colne in the county of Essex gentleman and Mary his wife sole daughter and heir of Xoph Merridith late citizen and stationer of London deceased in the one part and Herbert Pelham of Ferrers Bures Hamlet in the said county of Essex esq and Jn Joscelyne of Ferring in the said county of Essex esq on the other part witnesseth that it is covenanted and granted concluded and agreed by and between all the said parties to these presents and the said Rich Harlakenden and Mary his wife do covenant promise grant to and with the said Herbert Pelham and Jn Joscelyne their executors and administrators and by these presents that they the said Rich Harlakenden and Mary his wife at the only costs and charges of the said Rich shall and will before the end of easter term next ensuing the date of these presents by one or more fine or fines sur cognisance de droit come ceo etc to be duly levied before the justices of the court of common bench at Westminster whereupon proclamation shall and may be had and made according to the usual course of fines with proclamations in such cases used for assurance of lands convey and assure to the said Herbert Pelham and Jn Joscelyne the rights members and appurtenances in and by one indenture bearing date the 20.12.1648 made or mentioned to be made between sir Jn Wollaston knight Jn Fowke Jas Bruice Wm Gibbs Sam Avery Xoph Park aldermen of the city of London Francis Asti Thos Noell Jn Bellamy Edw Hooker Thos Arnold Rich Glyde Wm Hobson Jn Babington Laurence Bronefield Alex Jones Rich Vennar Steph Eastwicke Robt Mead Jas Storey citizens of the said city of London being all of them persons trusted by several ordinances of the late lords and commons assembled in parliament with the lands and possessions of the late archbishop and with the sale of the same for the use of the commonwealth in such sort as therein is mentioned of the one part and the said Xoph Merridith of the other part granted aliened bargained and sold or meant mentioned or intended to be granted aliened bargained and sold to the said Xoph Merridith his heirs and assigns forever except as in the said recited indenture is expressed and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents and profits of the aforesaid manor and premises and of every part and parcel of the same and all that messuage and tenement now called or known by the name or sign of the Crane and heretofore called or known by the name or sign of the Bear in Pauls churchyard in the parish of St Faiths in the city of London now or late in the tenure or occupation of Edw Brewster his assignee or assignees and all that messuage or tenement now called or known by the name or sign of the Marygolde and heretofore called or known by the name or sign of the Crane situate and being in Pauls churchyard aforesaid in the said parish of St Faiths and now or late in the tenure or occupation of Francis Eglesfelde his assignee or assignees and all that messuage or tenement now called or known by the name or sign of the Shipp and heretofore called or known by the name or sign of the Fountaine situate and being in Pauls churchyard aforesaid in the said parish of St Faiths and now or late in the tenure or occupation of Jn Rothwell his assignee or assignees and all that messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the King's Head in Pauls churchyard aforesaid in the said parish of St Faith and now or late in the tenure or occupation of Robt Bostocke his assignee or assignees and all that messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Bell in Pauls churchyard aforesaid in the said parish of St Faith and now or late in the tenure or occupation of Andrew Hobb his assignee or assignees and all that messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Brazen Serpent situate and being in Pauls churchyard aforesaid in the said parish of St Faith and now or late in the tenure or occupation of Sam Gellibrand his assignee or assignees all that messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Angel situate and being in Pauls churchyard in the said parish of St Faith now or late in the tenure or occupation of Edw Blackmore his assignee or assignees and all that messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Chequer in Paternoster Row in the parish of St Faith aforesaid and now or late in the tenure or occupation of Thos Tayler his assignee or assignees and all that messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Globe in Paternoster Row aforesaid in the said parish of St Faith and now or late in the tenure or occupation of Hen Cracroft his assignee or assignees and all that messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Flying Horse situate and being in Paternoster Row aforesaid in the said parish of St Faith and now or late in the tenure or occupation of Thos Weeks his assignee or assignees and all and singular shops cellars sollars chambers rooms lights easements commodities and hereditaments whatsoever with their appurtenances to the said last mentioned messuages or tenements and premises or to any of them belonging or therewith or with any of them used occupied and enjoyed or reputed or taken as part parcel or member thereof and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents and profits of the said messuages or tenements last mentioned and to all other the messuages or tenements or hereditaments with the appurtenances late of the said Xoph Merridith situate and being in the said parish of St Faith aforesaid in which the said Rich Harlakenden and Mary his wife have or either of them hath any estate of inheritance possession reversion remainder or contingency and it is covenanted granted and concluded and fully agreed by and between all the said parties to these presents that the said fine and fines so or any other manner to be had levied and executed of the said manor messuage lands and premises herein before mentioned or intended to be comprised of the same fine or fines and the full force and execution of the said fine or fines shall be and revert# and shall be adjudged and taken and are meant and intended and are hereby declared to be and infer and the said Herb ert Pelham and Jn Joscelyne and their heirs shall stand and be seised of the said manor messuages lands and all other the premises with the appurtenances to the several uses intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned and expressed and to and for none other use intent or purpose whatsoever that is to say of for and concerning the said manor of Kempsey with the rights members and appurtenances thereof and all and singular messuages cottages tofts mills dovehouses edifices buildings barns stables orchards gardens curtilages lands tenements demesne lands lease lands customary lands land arable meadows leasowes# pastures feedings woods underwoods hedgerows timber trees and other trees wastes commons common grounds grounds used for common waste ground heaths moors marshes parks fishings huntings hawkings fowlings views of frankpledge courts leet law days courts baron and other courts whatsoever fine issues amercements common fine certain money relief heriots waives estrays perquisites and profits of courts deodand goods goods waived deodand escheats forfeitures reversions rents of assize services customs customary rights works royalties privileges immunities ways easements profits commodities advantages possessions and hereditaments whatsoever with their and every of their appurtenances to the said manor any ways belonging or appertaining all other the messuages cottages farms and lands tenements possessions and hereditaments with their respective rights members and appurtenances aliened bargained and sold or meant or mentioned to be aliened bargained and sold to the said Xoph Merridith and his heirs in and by the said recited indenture and of for and concerning the said messuage to tenement now called or known by the name or sign of the Crane and of for and concerning the messuage or tenement now called or known by the name or sign of the Marygolde together with all shops cellars sollars lights easements profits and hereditaments whatsoever to the said to the two last mentioned messuages or tenements or to either of them belonging or appertaining and of the reversion and reversions of the said manor of Kempsey and other the premises in the said county of Worcester and of the reversion and reversions of the said two last mentioned messuages or tenements with their appurtenances to the use and behoof of the said Rich Harlakenden and the said Mary his wife for and during the term of their natural lives and for the life of the survivor of them without impeachment or of or for any manner of waste and after the deceases of the said Rich Harlakenden and Mary and of either of them to the use and behoof of the first son of the body of the said Mary by the said Rich lawfully begotten and of the heirs males of the body of such first son issuing and for default of such issue to the use and behoof of the second third and all and every other son and sons of the body of the said Mary by the said Rich lawfully begotten severally and successively one after another as they shall be in seniority and priority of birth and age and of the several and respective heirs males of the body and bodies of every such son and sons issuing the older of such son and sons and the heirs males of his body begotten to be still preferred and take before the younger of such son and sons to the heirs males of his body begotten and for default of such issue then to the use and behoof of the heirs of the body of the said Mary lawfully begotten and for default of such issue then to the use and behoof of the heirs and assigns of the said Rich and Mary forever and as for concerning the said messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Fountaine the said messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the King's Head the said messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Bell the said messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Brazen Serpent the said messuage or tenement called or known by the name of the Angel the said messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Chequer the said messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Globe and the said messuage or tenement called or known by the name or sign of the Flying Horse and of all other the said messuages or tenements in the parish of St Faiths aforesaid thereof no use or uses are herein before declared and of all shops cellars sollars chambers rooms lights easements commodities and hereditaments to the said several messuages or tenements belonging or appertaining and of the reversion and reversions rents and yearly profits of the same to the use and behoof of the said Rich Harlakenden and Mary his wife their heirs and assigns forever to the intent that the said messuages tenements and premises so last limited to the said Rich and Mary