know you by these presents that
Hen Morley
of Earls Colne bricklayer is firmly bound to
Phil Moal
of Earls Colne husbandman in 100li by the same
or his certain attorney or assigns paid
the condition of the above written obligation is such that whereas the above bound
Hen Morley
in consideration of the sum of 19li paid unto the above bounden
Hen Morley
the receipt whereof he doth acknowledge before the sealing and delivery of these presents doth by his deed bearing date the same day as these presents given granted bargained sold and enfeoffed and confirmed unto the said
Phil Moal
and after the decease of the said
Jn Moal
his son and his heirs forever my freehold tenement or cottage and garden on or near unto the green in Earls Colne now in the tenure or occupation of
Hen Wiseman
provided always not withstanding that if the said
Hen Morley
his heirs executors administrators and every of them do from time to time and at all times hereafter save and keep harmless the said
Phil Moal
his heirs executors and assigns from all claim or claims molestation interruption expulsion encumbrance whatsoever in or concerning the aforementioned premises or any part thereof by any manner of person or persons whatsoever in by or under the said
Hen Morley
his heirs executors administrators etc or by any one of their procurement but that the said
Phil Moal
John Moal
his heirs executors etc do from time to time and at all times hereafter quietly and peaceably have hold occupy and enjoy the aforesaid tenement cottage and garden without any encumbrance or encumbrances as aforementioned that then the above written obligation to be void and of none effect or else to stand remain and be in full force and virtue sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Jn Bagshawe
J Garrett
Hen Morley