Freehold Titles (T/A425/1/1)

10.12.1770 (Wednesday 10 December 1770)

document 32300011

between Hen Adams of Layer Bretton in the county of Essex yeoman of the one part and Wm Bott of Earls Colne in the said county grocer Jn Start junior of Halstead saymaker Wm Moore of Halstead saymaker Jn Greenwood of Halstead aforesaid brazier Joseph Brightwen senior of Great Coggeshall aforesaid baker Jn Brightwen junior of Great Coggeshall aforesaid linen draper Joseph Thresher of Easterford Kelvedon baymaker Joseph Docwra of Easterford Kelvedon miller and Isaac Brightwen of Inworth in the said county maltster of the other part etc