Freehold Titles (ERO D/Q6/1/1 commission to improve school revenues given to Lewyn Harlakenden and Tyffin)

13.3.1592 (Monday 13 March 1592)

document 32300118

be it known to all men to whom these presents shall come that I Edw de Veere earl of Oxon lord great chamberlain of England Vicount Bulbecke and lord Badlesmere and Scales being a feoffee of the lands and tenements given for the maintenance of the free school now kept at Earls Colne in the county of Essex and put in trust for the well ordering and governing of the same school and understanding that by means of the small revenue heretofore and yet made of the said lands and tenements being under 9li yearly there cannot be fit and meet schoolmaster be provided to teach there for the special trust and confidence I have and do repose in Wm Lewyn dr of the civil law late my servant and now judge of the prerogative court of Canterbury and in Roger Harlakenden of Earls Colne aforesaid esq and Wm Tyffin of Wakes Colne in the said county gentleman and in regard of their willing dispositions to advance good learning I the said earl do by these presents give full power and authority unto the said Wm Lewyn Roger Harlakinden and Wm Tyffin by all good and lawful means to increase and advance the yearly revenue of the lands and tenements assigned for the maintenance of the said school and therewith to provide a sufficient and able schoolmaster such as may fitly from time to time supply that town and for the better accomplishment hereof I do also by these presents give full power and authority unto the said Wm Lewyn Roger Harlakenden and Wm Tyffin to call the now occupiers and tenants of the said lands before them and with the said occupiers and tenants and so many of them as to the said Wm Lewyn Roger Harlakenden and Wm Tyffin shall seem fit to indicate touching some competent increase of rent yearly to be made of the said lands and tenements as of the same are reasonably worth and moreover the said lands and every of them to demise and let to farm for the term of twenty one years or three lives unto the now occupiers and tenants if they shall seem to offer unto the said Wm Lewyn Roger Harlakenden and Wm Tyffin sufficient and competent rent for the same or else unto such person or persons as shall offer such rent and to the said Wm Lewyn Roger Harlakenden and Wm Tyffin shall be thought meet to occupy the said lands and tenements the rent and profits to be from time to time employed to the use and for the maintenance of the said school and of the schoolmaster teaching therein and finally I do by these presents authorize the said Wm Lewyn Roger Harlakenden and Wm Tyffin to demise and put in vere (vere underlined presumably as unclear in the copy) for the better government of the said school such good rules and ordinances as to them shall seem fit and the same to enjoin to the schoolmaster and scholars therein for the time being and the wilful breakers thereof to reform according to their discretions and such as to them shall seem incorrigible to remove from the same school and lastly to do all and every other lawful act and acts which for the good government of the said school and for the increase of learning therein to them shall seem expedient in as full and ample manner as I myself might do by force of trust in me reposed in witness whereof I the said earl have hereunto set my hand and seal given the 13.3.34Eliz1 Edw Oxenford