London 2.10.1673 I have pursued the discourse that I had with ye about the gift of the school and as soon as I came to London I made way for it and made an agreement for it with the earl's steward in his house before he settled we had news that mr Humphres was dead but yet the earl being in great haste to go for Newmarket we did agree upon the business with some addition to his servants and yesterday he settled the deed it is settled upon you and me and your son Geo I had but small time to advise in it the earl is to give ye what further assurance ye shall think fit I shall send ye the deed and give ye the particulars by the carrier I was as good a husband for ye as I could here is a neighbour of yours the carrier hereof desireth to be recommended to ye he was sent to me by mr Brewster the bookseller I hope it will be for the good of the town in haste rest your loving brother Jn Cressener to mr Geo Cressener at Earls Colne