Freehold Titles (ERO D/Q6/1/7 concerning appointing a schoolmaster in Earls Colne)

1.10.1673 (Wednesday 1 October 1673)

document 32300795

a certificate from some of the townsmen for mr Thurloe to be schoolmaster to the right honourable Aubrey earl of Oxford may it please your lordship whereas mr Wm Humphrey late schoolmaster of Earls Colne in the county of Essex is deceased whereupon the town of Earls Colne is destitute of one to teach and learn their children these are therefore humbly to testify your lordship that the bearer hereof Nich Thurloe master of arts one of known piety conversation and learning is desirous to perform the duties of a schoolmaster in the place of the deceased and if your lordship will favourably be pleased to confer the said school upon the said Nich Thuloe now the parishioners of the said Earls Colne doubt not but he will be serviceable in that employment and that his studious endeavours may be advantageous both to church and state in witness whereof hereunto set our hands this day 1.10.1673 Thos Bowes Jn Lary Edw Johnson Wm Boosby Robt Finch Jn Finch Robt Potter Sam Burton