memorandum I Jn Cressener of London grocer do covenant and agree for me my heirs executors and administrators to and with Edw Francklin his heirs executors and administrators that by or upon the coming I will pay off and discharge one mortgage heretofore made unto Thos Greene for the sum of 500li of Hall Meadows and crofts situate and being in Earls Colne in the county of Essex and take a surrender and assignment of the said mortgage on the back of the said deed to be subjected unto and wait and attend upon the same uses estates and trusts which are mentioned and limited in and by the indentures quadrupartite of settlement dated the 12.5.1680 made upon the marriage of the said Jn Cressener with Eliz his now wife the daughter of Edw Francklin gentleman in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14.5.1680 Jn Cressener sealed and delivered in the presence of Jn Pratt scribe Muriel# Turnor Jas Osburn