easter Rich prior of Colum plaintiff by Robt Ridel Herb de Aldeham and Matilda his wife defendants the latter by Robt de Aldeham customs and services which plaintiff exacted from defendants from one mill which they hold from him in Aldeham viz 40s of yearly rent for the same mill which service defendants did not acknowledge plaintiff acknowledged the mill to be the right of Matilda to hold to defendants and the heirs of Matilda of plaintiff and his church of Colum by the yearly rent of 2s for all service and exaction defendants gave to plaintiff 20s of land with appurtenances in the town of Gestlingethorpe to wit all the land which defendants had in demesnes and services in the same town to hold to plaintiff and his said church of defendants and the heirs of Matilda in free pure and perpetual alms defendants also gave to plaintiff 20s sterling