easter Wm Fitz Eytrop demandant Rich prior of Colum defendant advowson of the church of Roynges Grimbaldi assize of last presentation demandant and defendant together and once shall present a certain fit clerk to the said church and on that clerk's decease demandant and his heirs shall choose a clerk and present him to the bishop of London and on that clerk's decease defendant shall elect and present another clerk and afterwards demandant heirs and defendant successors shall present alternately saving to defendant the ancient portion which he has been accustomed to receive from the said church and be it known that all charters and muniments which defendant or his successors may hereafter produce under the name of demandant or his ancestors may hereafter produce under the name of demandant or his ancestors concerning the said advowson shall by this fine be for nought saving nevertheless to defendant the just possessions of the lands and tenements which they have of the gift of the demandant's ancestors and which are c ontained in the said charters