Name Index - Amos Manchet (M90)

Appears in the text as:
Tuesday 9 March 1585Quarter Sessions: Licences of alehouses and victuallers21900150
Monday 16 April 1593Marriage register 1559 to 15998801841
Sunday 30 September 1593Quarter Sessions Rolls20300823
Tuesday 6 October 1601Archdeaconry Cause Books500245
Thursday 18 February 1602Quarter Sessions: Licences of alehouses and victuallers21900802 21900829
Monday 2 April 1604Quarter Sessions Rolls20500172
Thursday 6 March 1606Quarter Sessions Rolls20500294
Wednesday 1 October 1606Quarter Sessions Rolls20500406
Tuesday 21 May 1611Archdeaconry Act Book1800782 1800792 1800801 1800807