Name Index - Robt Smith (S669)

Appears in the text as:
Tuesday 2 March 1613Baptism register 1609 to 16196602563
Sunday 2 March 1634Baptism register 1620 to 16396704769
Wednesday 9 April 1634Burial register 1620 to 16398102586
Monday 17 April 1637Archdeaconry Act Book2002376 2002399
Tuesday 9 May 1637Archdeaconry Act Book2002470
Thursday 1 June 1637Archdeaconry Act Book2002522 2002539
Friday 6 April 1638Burial register 1620 to 16398103507
Saturday 11 May 1639Burial register 1620 to 16398103896
Monday 22 July 1639Wills4102379