Wills (ERO D/ACW13/173 Thos Smith 1639)

22.7.1639 (Monday 22 July 1639)

document 4102379

in the name of god amen the 22.7.1639 etc. I Thos Smith of Earls Colne in the county of Essex tanner being at this present in health of body and in good and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to almighty god for his mercy do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following viz first and chiefly I give and commend my sinful soul into the merciful hands of almighty god my maker and of his dear and only son jesus christ my sufficient saviour and redeemer by and through whose merit death and passion I hope for salvation with free pardon and forgiveness for my sins still trusting I shall receive strength and comfort by the holy ghost the third person in the blessed trinity and my body I commend unto the earth from whence it was first taken to be buried in christian burial at the discretion of mine executors hereunder mentioned and as for the worldly goods wherewith it hath pleased the lord to bless me I give them as followeth item I give unto the poor people of Earls Colne 20s to be distributed within one mo nth next after my decease by mine executors item I give unto Marge my wife 20li current money of England to be satisfied and paid unto her within one month next after my decease item I give unto Agnes my daughter being the now wife of Francis Sommerson all that my tenement or cottage with all and singular and singular the appurtenances in the occupation of Sam Pynchbacke and Rich Gante which I lately purchased of Chas Huntsman being in Earls Colne and holden of the manor of Colne Pryory during the term of her natural life and after her decease I do give the same unto her son Thos Sommerson and to his heirs and assigns forever item I give unto the said Agnes Sommerson my daughter one field called Bungeys lying in Colne Engaine and holden of the manor of Sheriffs during her natural life and after her decease I give the same with the appurtenances unto Thos Sommerson her son and to his heirs and assigns forever item I give unto Mary my daughter the now wife of Antho Baker the sum of 5s to be paid her within six months next after my decease item I give Edith my daughter the now wife of Thos Ruggls 5s to be paid her within six months next after my decease item I give unto Margt the daughter of Jn Miller my grandchild 5li current money of England to be paid her at the age of 21yr item I give unto Joan Smith Edith Smith Grace Smith and Eliz Smith my grandchildren being the daughters of my eldest son Thos Smith all that my tenement or cottage with the appurtenances being in Earls Colne in the occupation of Abrm Peeke and Jn Tibball equally to them and their heirs and assigns forever immediately after my decease and my will and meaning is that if either of my said grandchildren shall die before they come to age of 21yr or day of marriage the survivors equally to be their heirs item I give unto Agnes Smith my daughter in law 10s to be paid her within one month next after my decease I give unto Abigail the late wife of my son Robt Smith 2s and to her two daughters Eliz and Ann 5s apiece to be paid within one month after their days of marriage item I give unto Joseph Bucher my grandchild 5li current money of England to be paid at his age of 21yr item I give unto Eliz the daughter of Francis Sommerson my grandchild 3li current money of England at her age of 21yr item I give unto my wife Marge in consideration of certain monies which I have received and had of hers since the time of our inter marriage and also for certain goods which I hold of hers all my household stuff and implements of household stuff viz brass pewter linen woollen bedding wood wooden work irons vessels plate and other commodities whatsoever used in and about my now dwelling house to her and her heirs and assigns forever item all the rest of my goods monies cattles chattels and commodities unbequeathed I give them between my son in law Joseph Bucher and my wife Marge Smith whom I do make and ordain my executors of this my last will and testament and I do utterly renounce and revoke all former wills and deeds by me formerly made or spoken in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal and the same delivered the day and year first above written this was read sealed subscribed and delivered in presence of us Edw Haxall Barnard Feverell writer mark Thos Smyth