this indenture made
witnesseth that
Edw Mead
Geo Barnard
churchwardens of the parish of Colne Engaine and
Jas Brown
Thos Baker
overseers of the same with the consent of justices of the peace have placed
Jn Poulter
a poor child of the parish apprentice to
Hen Mays
of Earls Colne husbandman with him to dwell until aged twenty four years now being aged 17years during which time he to serve his master faithfully etc and
Hen Mays
covenants to instruct him in the art of a husbandman and shall lodge him etc and at the end of the term provide him with double apparel etc in witness the parties abovesaid have put their hands and seals
Hen Mays
Jos Dawson
Jas Moss junior
A Wear
Robt Tweed