8.3.1707 to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Earls Colne we Jn Clarke churchwarden Wm Ruffle and Robt Ludgater overseers of the poor of Coggeshall Hamlet whose hands and seals are hearunto affixed do certify own and acknowledge Sam Andrewes and his family to be inhabitants legally settled in our said hamlet and for as much as the said Sam Andrewes hath not of late had in that our hamlet sufficient employment to maintain himself and family without being burdensome is therefore desirous to reside in that your parish of Earls Colne where he is likely to be much better employed now forasmuch he the said Sam Andrewes not being able of himself to give such security as may be expected for his residence in Earls Colne we therefore the said Jn Clarke Wm Ruffle and Robt Ludgater do hereby oblige ourselves and our successors inhabitants and officers of the said hamlet for the time being to receive again the said Sam Andrewes and his family whenever he they or any of them shall become chargeable or forced to ask relief unless it be such of them as shall or may in the mean time have obtained a legal settlement there otherwise that by serving any parish office of doing any parish duty which may be incumbent on them by virtue of any house wherein they may dwell in witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the 8.3.1707 Jn Clark Robt Ludgater Wm Rufell in the presence of us inhabitants of the said hamlet who do acknowledge the said Sam Andrewes and his family to be inhabitants legally settled in the said hamlet Thos Nicholes Wm Gwynne Wm Raven justices of the peace who allow of the certificate W Luckyn Jn Cressener