Settlement Certificates (ERO DP/209/13/4)

23.11.1750 (Friday 23 November 1750)

document 12202038

the examination of Jn Ladd taken upon oath touching his last legal place of settlement 23.11.1750 who saith he was born in the parish of St Runwald in the town of Colchester and that his father at the time of his birth did belong to the said parish of St Romwell but further saith that afterwards his father Jn Ladd went into the parish of Braintree where this examinant lived with his father several years and that his father paid all parish rates in Braintree and is now one of the constables of Braintree and that he this examinant hath never done anything since to gain a settlement elsewhere sworn before Xoph Wilson Jn Ladd (note below) Grace his wife