in the name of god amen I Nich Moore of Earls Colne the diocese of London being of sound mind and memory do ordain and nominate this my testament containing my last will beneath in manner and form following imprimis I commit my soul to god my creator the blessed virgin mary and all the saints my body to be buried where it shall please the almighty to Agnes my daughter by Joan my first wife all my lands and buildings in Crowehurst immediately after my death forever and to her heirs etc to Matilda my second wife the lands and tenement lying in Brentwoode and all those my lands and tenement in Earls Colne with all my goods movable and immovable in an disposition and Matilda and father Jn Eyre prior de Colne they are both to be executors witness Wm Chopet vicar of Colne Jn Hay Jn Wayte Jn Hallkyn of Pebmarsh