in the name of god amen the
Reginald Heygatt
of Feering in the county of Essex gent being in whole mind and perfect remembrance I thank god the father god the son and god the holy ghost doth ordain and make this my present testament and last will in manner and form following first I bequeath my soul unto our lord jesus christ my maker and redeemer and my body to be buried in Feering church aforesaid I bequeath to
my wife
the Gorge
with all the appurtenances belonging thereunto with all my lands in Sandon Hanfylld and Danbere during her natural life item I give and bequeath unto
my son 40marks a year until my will be fulfilled of my lands and farms not bequeathed item I give unto
my daughter 100li to be paid out of the profits of my farms item I give and bequeath to
my daughter upon this condition that if her father in law and her husband doth make her a security for her jointure during her life of 6li13s4d by the year without fraud or neglect then I bequeath unto her 40li to be paid unto her as it may be paid of the profits of my farms to be paid after her sister
item I give and bequeath unto
my daughter 100marks to be paid to her as it may be raised upon my said farms after her two sisters aforesaid also I will and if it please god to call one of my three daughters before that they do receive the said legacies I will if one die her part to go to them her two sisters to be paid part and part like if god do call two of them I will that the third enjoy all item I give and bequeath unto
my son my farm called Landwyr lying in Denge in Denge hundred and Southwalle in Burnon in the said hundred if he do live until my legacies be fulfilled item I will that
my wife have my farm called Fereyng Bere with all the store of cattle during her natural life upon this condition that if she do marry that then she to be bound to all her own children that she do leave the said stock in as good case as she shall receive it
after her decease I give and bequeath unto
Edm Clarke
my son in law the whole profit of the said Fereying Bere for the space of one whole year so that he do not make no strip nor waste of the woods otherwise than my last will and to leave the stock as he doth find it item I will that my son in law middle
Jn Clarke
have the said Fereying Bere after
one whole year after as I have given it
aforesaid item I have will thus young
Jn Clarke
have the said Fereying Bere as I have given it his two brothers aforesaid
item I will that if
my daughter in law do live until she be married then I do give her 20li to be paid 10li at the day of her marriage and the other 10li after the decease of her mother item I give and bequeath unto old
Jn Clarke
my son in law 20marks to be paid as my executors may
item I will and if my son
do die without heirs of his body lawfully begotten
item I give and bequeath unto
my son after
my decease
my wife's decease all my lands both freehold copy and lease the legacies of my will aforesaid fulfilled to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and if it chance that he do die without one heir male then I will that
my daughter being then alive
the Gorge
with all the appurtenances and the mill at Kellverden called Grayes Mell with all appurtenances thereto belonging of to her and to her heirs of her body lawfully begotten item I give to my sister
a ring of 40s item I give unto my son
my two great horses with my sorrel colt called Tom item I give and bequeath to
Thos Heygatt
Wm Hubard's
man my trotting colt with 4s wyre# sett# item I will and if that my son
do die or Southwalle do come to his hands I will that the said Southwalle with all the store thereon I do give and bequeath it unto young
eldest son called
Jn Clarke
item I will that
Jn Clarke
have his dwelling of and in
during his life so that he do not make no strip nor waste of the said farm and paying therefore yearly the rent as he hath paid item I bequeath to all my wife's sons and daughters children a silver spoon apiece when they do come to the age of 18yr item I bequeath unto
Edm Clarke
and middle
and unto young
Jn Clarke
and unto
Thos Peaycoke
20li apiece after the decease of my wife as it may be raised of my farms called Feringeberie and they to be paid according as they do stand in my will and I will that they be paid by them that I do make the overseers of this my will item I give and bequeath unto
Thos Rychardson
my servant 20s a year during his life and a seam of malt item I give unto
Jn Mott
my servant a seam of malt item I give and bequeath unto all my servants in my household a seam of malt apiece to be paid within six months after my decease all the residue of my goods not bequeathed my debts paid and legacies fulfilled I do give unto
my wife who I do make my true and faithful executor and I will that the overseers of this my last will and testament be my son
Reynold Heygatt
Thos Paycok
item I will and if that
my son do die or that my farm Fereingberye do come to his hands then I will that
my daughter have it these under written being witnesses
Thos Paycok
by me
Edm Champney
Jn Mott