in the name of god amen made the
Thos Smyth
of White Colne in the county of Essex being sick in body yet of good and perfect remembrance thanks be to god make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say first I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god and my body to be buried in the churchyard of White Colne item I give to my son
10li to be paid to him at 23yr of age by my executors item I give to my daughter
20nobles to be paid her at 23yr of age by my executors item I give to my daughter
20nobles to be paid her at 23yr of age by my executors item I give to my daughter
20nobles to be paid to her at 23yr of age by my executors item I give to my daughter
20nobles to be paid to her at 23yr of age by my executors item I give to
my youngest daughter 20nobles to be paid her at 23yr of age by my executors item I will that if any of these my children die within years then that his or their part shall be equally divided amongst the rest item I give to my wife my house at Earls Colne for term of her life except she happen to marry but if she marry or die then I will that it return to my son
and to his heirs forever but if he die without heirs then I will it shall remain to my son
and to his heirs if he die without heirs then I will it shall remain to the rest in like manner item all the rest of my goods and movables I give to my wife and my son
paying my debts and legacies equally between them bearing the charge of my children's bringing up also equally between them and together to occupy the farm where I now dwell except my wife fortune to marry if then I will that she take her portion and leave it to my son
and deal no further therein item if my said executors or either of them do enjoy a certain term of years newly taken by me of the farm where I now dwell or the space of one year then I will that my children afore named shall have of one or both of them if they enjoy it together the sum of 20li equally given amongst them more than is above mentioned item also I make my son
with my wife executors so I make my cousin
Rich Smyth
of Halstead supervisor of this my will that if my son
do contrary to duty trouble or molest his mother or contrary to the true meaning of this my will injure his brother or sisters then I will that my said supervisor shall receive his commodities given him herein by me and dismiss him of all item I give to my supervisor 10s and to the poor of White Colne 6s8d the which I have set my hand assigned in the presence of us
Rich Tirrell
Jn Smyth
Thos Piers
Thos Smyth