in the name of god amen the 7.5.1602 I Jn Pullin of White Colne in the county of Essex yeoman being in good and perfect remembrance I thank my god therefore do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following first I commend my soul into the hands of my most merciful god and saviour and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Earls Colne in the said county item I will and my mind is that my debts shall be discharged and paid by mine executrix hereafter to be named and for the better paying of my debts and bringing up of my children I give and bequeath unto Margt my wife all and all manner my goods movables cattle chattels and implements whatsoever item I give and bequeath unto the said Margt my wife the house and tenement wherein I now dwell with all buildings thereunto belonging together with all that copyhold or customary land thereunto belonging both meadow pasture and arable ground commonly known or called by the name of Loshes and Fowl Meadow containing by estimation 26a more or less situate lying and being in the parish of White Colne aforesaid to have and to hold the said tenement and buildings with all and every the parcel of the said customary land meadow pasture and arable with the appurtenances unto the said Margt my wife during the term of her natural life and after the decease and death of the said Margt my wife I will and my mind is that my said house and tenement with all the buildings thereto belonging as also all and every parcel of my customary land meadows pastures and arable whatsoever with the appurtenances commonly known by the name of Loshes and one other meadow called Fowl Meadow as they lie situate and being in White Colne aforesaid shall remain and come unto Hen Pullin my son and his heirs forever conditionally and on this condition that the said Hen my son shall pay and perform to every one of my daughters hereafter named 10li apiece in such manner and form as hereafter in this my will shall be appointed viz unto Ann my daughter 10li to be paid to her within two years next after the death of Margt my wife and unto Tomisin my daughter 10li to be paid unto her within four years after the death of the said Margt my wife and unto Sibill my daughter 10li to be paid unto her within six years after the death of my said wife and unto Eliz my daughter 10li to be paid within eight years after the decease of my said wife and to Margt my daughter 10li to be paid unto her within ten years after the decease of my said wife and unto Edith my daughter other 10li to be paid unto her within twelve years after the decease of Margt my wife and if the said Hen my son do not or will not pay or perform to these my aforesaid daughters or any of them the aforesaid sums of money and legacies in manner and form as is before requested I will and my mind is that for and in default of payment thereof it shall and may be lawful to every one of my aforesaid daughters or any of them in their costs viz Ann Tomasin Sibill Eliz Margt and Edith or either of them who shall be unpaid at such time as is before appointed to enter into the said tenement and customary lands meadows pastures with all the appurtenances and the same to have hold enjoy and possess for and during the space of 4yr fully and to be complete and ended without and let or interruption of the said Hen my son his heirs or assigns whatsoever and of this my last will and testament I do make and ordain Margt my wife my whole and sole executrix and I entreat my brother in law Math Simson clerk parson of Wickham St Paul in the said county to be my supervisor and I do give unto him towards his pains in that behalf 3s4d in witness whereof and of the promise I have herein I put my hand and seal the day of the date above written by me Jn Pullin (probable writer) read signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Math Simson clerk Wm Adhams clerk Jn Ward