in the name of god amen the
22.12.1600 and 43Eliz1
etc. I
Jn Kendall
of the parish of Earls Colne in the county of Essex tilemaker being sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance thanks be unto almighty god for the same and minding the disposing and setting in order such goods and chattels as it hath pleased god of his mercy and goodness to bestow upon me in this transitory life do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say first and principally I commend my soul unto almighty god my creator and to jesus christ my saviour and only redeemer by and through whose death merit and passion I trust assuredly to receive free pardon of all my sins and my body to the earth to be buried in the churchyard of Earls Colne abovesaid item I give and bequeath unto
Rich Kendall
my son 5li to be paid unto him at his full age of 18yr and to
my daughter other 5li to be paid unto her at her full age of 18yr or at the day of her marriage which of them shall first happen to come and be after my decease and to
Jn Kendall
the younger my son other 5li to be paid unto him at his full age of 18yr and to
Wm Kendall
my son other 5li to be paid unto him at his age of 18yr item I will that the said
my daughter shall have the keeping of her yearling bullock and her two sheep and one lamb upon my farm ground where I dwell until annunciation next without paying anything for the same and also that all my other children that have any sheep or lambs upon my said grounds shall have the keeping of them there until the said feast day of annunciation next item I give and bequeath unto
my wife 40li of lawful money of England to be paid unto her in manner and form following that is to say 5li at her departing and going from my farm house wherein I now dwell to dwell elsewhere from my sons mine executors hereunder named and other 5li within one year next after my decease and other 10li within two years next after my decease to be paid half yearly by even portions and other 10li within three years next after my decease to be paid unto her or her assigns half yearly as aforesaid by even portions and other 10li within four years next after my decease to be paid half yearly as abovesaid by even portions and my will and meaning is that if my executors hereunder named or any of them or the executors or assigns of them or of either of them shall make default of payment and shall not well and truly
(bottom of sheet
Jn Kendall
pay or cause to be paid unto my said wife the said sum of 40li within the said four years next after my decease by 10li a year by even portions as is abovesaid according to my true intent and meaning then I will that my said wife shall enter upon my messuage and farm wherein I now dwell with the appurtenances and the same from thenceforth have occupy and enjoy with all my right title and interest of and in the same item I will that my said wife shall have her three sheep and the keeping of the same until the feast day of annunciation aforesaid upon my said farm grounds item I give and bequeath unto my said wife the moiety and one half of all my household stuff and implements of household to be equally divided between her and my executors hereunder named by my supervisors hereunder named immediately after my decease which are not hereby otherwise given or bequeathed to any other item I give and bequeath unto my said wife and to
the elder my son all that my lease and term of years which I have and hold of mr
of the messuage and grounds in Earls Colne abovesaid to have and to hold to them their executors and assigns for and during the term of years in the same granted all which said sum of 40li and other the said legacies and gifts to my said wife given and bequeathed as is before expressed I have given and bequeathed unto her in consideration of the keeping and bringing up of my said younger children that is to say
the younger and
item I will and my meaning is that my said wife shall be and remain and be maintained at my said farm house where I now dwell at the charges of my said executors until the
25.3. now next ensuing
at which time I will earnestly entreat my wife quietly to depart from thence item I give and will that 3li of lawful english money shall be given or put forthwith
base daughter of my daughter deceased for and towards her bringing up item I give and bequeath unto the said
my daughter my black cow commonly called knight item I give unto my said wife my dun bullock with the white face the residue of all my goods and chattels whatsoever movable and unmovable my debts being paid my legacies performed and my funeral discharged I wholly give and bequeath unto the said
my eldest son
my second son whom I make and ordain my executors of this my last will and testament and supervisors of the same I do nominate my trusty friends
Thos Pylgryme
Robt Rookes
yeomen in witness whereof hereunto I have put my hand and seal given the day and the year first above said these being witnesses
Thos Pylgrim
Thos Frankley
Robt Rookes
Wm Sauel
Jn Kendall
signum testoris