in the name of god amen the
Jn Bridge
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex and the diocese of London being of perfect memory thanks be given to almighty god do ordain and make this my present last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say first I commend my soul to almighty god my creator with an assured hope of eternal life and salvation through the merit and passion of jesus christ my saviour and redeemer and my body to be decently buried within the churchyard of Earls Colne aforesaid item I give and bequeath to
my wife 25li to be paid to her in manner and form following that is to say 10li within one year next after my decease and 5li within three years next after my decease and other 10li within five years next after my decease item I give unto her 3li of lawful money of England for and towards one years board to be paid to her in manner and form following that is to say 10s within one month next after my decease and 20s more within three months from thence next following and the other 30s within nine months next after my decease item I give and bequeath to my said wife the bed and bedstead whereon I now lie with all the furniture hereunto belonging that is to say the feather bed bolster two pillows and a pair of sheets and a pair of blankets and the coverlet to have and to hold to her during the term of her natural life and after her decease I will give and devise the same to remain to
Jn Bridge
my son item I give and bequeath unto
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my son and his heirs forever all that my customary land and tenement called
Tredgolde Fenne
holden of the manor of Colne Priory upon condition that the said
Jn Bridge
his heirs executors or assigns or some or one of them shall well and truly pay and discharge my debts and the legacies contained in this my present will and testament and see and provide for the bringing up of my two youngest daughters
in meet and convenient sort for their degrees until the term of four years next after my decease and
if he shall make default in payment of this my present will and shall not pay and discharge my said debts and legacies and see and provide to the bringing of my said two youngest daughters according as is aforesaid then my will and mind is and I give and bequeath the said customary lands and tenements called
Wm Bridge
my brother and his heirs forever upon condition that he his heirs executors or assigns or come of them perform this my present will and testament and pay and discharge my debts and legacies in manner and form aforesaid
item I ordain and make the said
Jn Bridge
my son executor of this my present will and testament and do give and bequeath to him towards the performance of the same all my movable goods and chattels not formerly bequeathed and if my said son
shall make default of performing this my present will and testament and shall not pay and discharge my said debts and legacies and see and provide for the bringing up of my said two youngest daughters according as is aforesaid then my will and mind is and I give and bequeath the said customary land and tenement called
Tredgolde Fenne
with the appurtenances and all my said movable goods and chattels to
Wm Bridge
my brother and his heirs and assigns forever upon condition that he his heir executors or assigns or some of them perform this my present will and testament and pay and discharge my debts and legacies in manner and form aforesaid in witness that it is my last will and testament I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written in the presence of the witnesses whose names are hereunto subscribed
Jeff Potter
Jn Ward
Sam Brewer
Robt Cobbe
Jn Bridge