Wills (ERO D/ACW6/147 Eliz Grimard 1614 1615)

.6.1614-.7.1614 (June 1614)

document 3501225

memorandum in the months of .6.1614 or .7.1614 or one of the said months Eliz Grimard late of Earls Colne widow deceased being of good and perfect mind and memory did make and declare her last will and testament or disposition of her goods in manner and form following or the like in effect viz she gave to her son Jn (may be Jn) a platter and one stool and to her son Robt one priest chest and she said she had delivered her daughter Grace her part already all the rest of her goods whatsoever she gave to her two daughters Edith and Agnes to be equally divided betwixt them and she appointed Jn Read of Colne to be overseer of the will witnesses Rich Ferme and his wife Jn Reade and others