and whereas there is an omission of what I do intend in the two sheets of paper whereto this is annexed I do make and ordain this codicil to be part of my last will and testament that is to say if it shall so happen that the three children of my brother Jacob Evered should happen to die without issue before my houses in Peters parish in Colchester shall be sold according as is therein declared then my will is that the third part of the money thereby given to his said children shall fall to my brother Jacob if he be living and if any of the three children happen to be dead then the part of the deceased to fall to my brother Jacob but if my brother Jacob be dead also then that third part shall be divided between the survivors of my two sisters' children Sara Richardson and Abigail Potts likewise if it shall so happen that the children of my sister Richardson shall die before the said premises be sold without issue then living then I will that their third part be divided among so many of the children of Jacob Everit and Abigail Potts as still then be living likewise if it shall so happen that the children of my sister Abigail Potts shall die before the premises be sold as before said without issue then living then the third part given unto them I will shall be equally divided between the surviving children of my brother Jacob Everitt and my sister Richardson but if is shall so happen that my brother Jacob Everit and his children and the children of my sister Richardson and the children of my sister Pott should all happen to be dead before the premises so happen to be sold without issue then living then I will that the money of the whole value of the premises shall fall to my next kindred that shall be living of the name of Evered and in witness of this being part of my last will I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year mentioned in the two sheets of paper whereunto this is annexed witnesses Jn Biggen Wm Groome Francis Evered