in the name of god amen I
Francis Newton
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex yeoman being sick and weak but of sound and disposing mind and memory praised be god do this
etc. make my last will and testament in manner and form following first and principally I resign my soul into the hands of almighty god and my body I commit to the ground to be decently buried and as to my worldly estate I do dispose thereof as followeth imprimis I give to my loving wife
all the household goods which I now have which were her own before our intermarriage item my will and mind is that my executors hereafter named or the survivor of them do and shall for the best price and greatest advantage they can sell my stock and the rest of my goods not given to my wife and the money thence arising and that shall or can be any ways made out of the remainder of my personal estate whatsoever or wheresoever it be I will be put out at interest by my executors or the survivor of them until my daughters
shall attain to the age of 21yr or day of marriage and at their respective ages of 21yr or days of marriage which shall first happen I will that my executors or the survivor of them do and shall pay and divide the same into and amongst my said two daughters share and share alike but if either of my said daughters shall happen to die before such time as either their shares shall be due then my mind and will is that the part or share of her so dying shall be paid to the survivor and if both my said daughters shall happen to die before what is hereby appointed to be paid to them shall become due then I will that the money to be raised out of my personal estate and stock as aforesaid shall be paid and divided to and amongst my wife my two brothers
and my three sisters
share and share alike and my mind and will further is that my executors or the survivor of them do pay to my wife or suffer her to receive the interest of the money to be placed out as aforesaid as it shall grow due upon the securities my executors or the survivor of them shall take for the same for and towards the maintenance and education of my children until the principal shall be payable according as is before directed and so revoking all former wills I make this to be my last will and testament and hereof do nominate and appoint my loving brothers
Jn Newton
Sam Newton
executors desiring their care for the good and benefit of my children in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the year above written sealed signed and published the word which being first interlined in the eighth line in the presence of
Robt Marriage
Mary Marriage
Margt Newton
Francis Newton