Wills (ERO D/ACW23/4 D/ACR11/274 Jn Sarjant of Chappel 1697/8 1702)

28.4.1701 (Monday 28 April 1701)

document 5201785

as a codicil to this my will I further add that whereas since the making of my will aforementioned I have purchased a parcel of land called Dunstalls with a little grove thereunto belonging lying in Chappell in the occupation of Solomon Grimston I give and bequeath the said parcel of land and grove with the appurtenances unto my two daughters Susanna Sarjant and Mary Sarjant and their heirs forever they paying unto my son Sam Sarjant yearly during his natural life the sum of 40s to be paid quarterly by equal payments at my now dwelling house at or upon the four most usual days of payment in the year that is to say christmas day lady day midsummer day and michaelmas day the first payment to be made at which of the said four days shall first happen after my decease in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 28.4.1701 signed sealed published and declared by the testator in the presence of us Wm May Ernest Zugat S Grimston Jn Sarjant