as a codicil to my will on the foregoing sheets I make the following additions and alterations, that is to say, I will and direct that the sum of 400li of lawful British money be as soon after my decease as conveniently may be placed out at interest by my son
and mr
upon real or government security and that they or the survivor of them or his executors or administrators shall pay the interest or dividends thereof half yearly to my wife
as an addition to what I have given to her by my will which interest or dividends I will shall be paid to her during the term of her natural life for her own private use and benefit exclusive of any husband she may happen to intermarry with and not to be subject to any husband's debts or control and for with her receipt alone whether covert or sole shall be a good discharge and my will is that from the time of my decease until the said sum of 400li shall be put at interest as aforesaid my wife shall have and receive lawful interest for the same to he paid to her by my said son
and mr
or the survivor of them his executors or administrators out of my other personal estate and my will is that after my said wife's decease the said sum of 400li shall be equally divided among such of my children as shall be living at my decease and I give the same to them accordingly also I will that all the legacies and sums of money given in and by my said will to the other legatees the time limited for payment shall be enlarged to twelve calendar months after my decease and that the legatees shall not demand payment of the same within a year from my decease also I will and direct that the whelm
(wooden drain pipe)
parting the premises of
given to my said son
from the estate given by my said will to my son
shall continue to be a whelm and such other things respective the same shall be complied with with all convenient speed after my decease as my said son
his heirs or assigns or his or their counsel agent or attorney shall advise or require for the preventing injury to the meadow ground belonging to my said son
and if my said son
should refuse to comply therewith then I revoke the device to my said son
and give the estate so given to him to my said son
his heirs or assigns in all other respects I ratify and confirm my said will in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal
Francis Nunn
signed sealed published etc. witnesses
Mary Nunn
Jas Nunn
Wm Francis