I Robt Thornback of Earls Colne in the county of Essex do make this codicil to my last will and testament bearing date 11.8.1814 and I do desire and direct the same to be annexed thereto and to be taken as and for part thereof whereas since the making and executing my said will I have purchased certain lands and hereditaments hereinafter mentioned now I do hereby give and devise the same (that is to say) all those two pieces or parcels of land or pasture ground with their appurtenances containing both together by estimation 1a2r more or less, together with the messuage or tenement and several outhouses thereupon erected and built also all that pightle or parcel of freehold ground lately parcel of Gilberts containing by estimation 1a more or less also all that freehold croft of land or pasture ground formerly Berecroft and now called or known by the name of Windmill Field or otherwise containing by estimation 5a more or less and also one piece or parcel of marsh or meadow ground heretofore called Springs Marsh and now or lately called or known by the name of Wrens Park containing by estimation 1r more or less as all the above mentioned hereditaments and premises are situate lying and being within the parish of Earls Colne abovesaid and are now in the tenure and occupation of myself and my undertenants or assigns and which I lately purchased of Frances Lake widow unto and to the only use and behoof of mrs Jane Brazier of Earls Colne aforesaid widow being the same person in my said will named and described and who I have therein named and made my sole executrix thereof and to her heirs and assigns forever she and they paying unto Mary Hull the widow of Robt Hull deceased now living with me the sum of £10 thereout of lawful money current in Great Britain within six calendar months next after my death and I do ratify and confirm my said last will and testament in all respects in witness whereof I the said Robt Thornback have hereunto set my hand and seal this 6.2.1816 Robt Thornback signed sealed published and declared by the said Robt Thornback as and for a codicil to his said last will and testament and to be annexed thereto and taken as and for part thereof in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have thereunto subscribed our names as witnessed J. Usher F.Beaumont Jas Golding