Quarter Sessions Rolls (ERO Q/SR629)

10.4.5Geo2 (Monday 10 April 1732)

document 20700530

George by the grace of god king of Great Britain France and Ireland defender of the faith etc to the sheriff of Essex greeting etc that you omit not for any liberty within your bailiwick (amongst others) Thos Blackley of Earls Colne as they shall come before you in your bailiwick so that you may have their bodies before our justices of the peace in our same county and also to oyer and terminer divers felonies trespasses and other misdemeanours perpetrated in the same county at the next general quarter sessions of our peace to be held at Chelmsford in the county aforesaid on tuesday in the first week after the translation of st thos the martyr namely 11.7.next ensuing to answer us concerning the divers transgressions and offences whereof they stand indicted etc Hen earl of Thormond keeper of the rolls of the said county