Essex sessions at the general quarter sessions of the peace of the lord king William the third held for the county of Essex at Fryering near Ingatestone in the same county tuesday next after
easter namely
whereas complaint being made to sir
Antho Abdy
Edw Bullock
Hen Ayloffe
esquires three of his majesty's justices of the peace of this county one being of the quorum by the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Great Coggeshall in the said county that by reason of the great numbers of poor and impotent persons more than ordinary occasioned by a great and violent contagion of the smallpox which hath utterly for want of trade impoverished many families the said inhabitants of Great Coggeshall are not able amongst themselves to levy sufficient sums of money for the necessary relief and support of their poor nor to provide for the children of such poor as cannot provide for them the said justices pursuant to the statute made in the three and fortieth year of the reign of the late queen Elizabeth did rate tax and assess the respective inhabitants of Wakes Colne with the sum of 7li10s for the necessary relief of Great Coggeshall aforesaid and by an order under their hands and seals bearing date the
did require and command the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Wakes Colne aforesaid to levy and collect the said sum of 7li10s
(three lines have been crossed out at this point)
upon the respective inhabitants of Wakes Colne aforesaid and the same to pay to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Great Coggeshall aforesaid or some of them on or afore the
for the relief of the poor of Great Coggeshall aforesaid now upon the appeal of the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Wakes Colne aforesaid at this general quarter sessions of the peace from the order of the said three justices and hearing of counsel and divers witnesses on both sides this court is of opinion upon the whole merits of the case that the said inhabitants of the parish of Wakes Colne ought not to be taxed or pay towards the relief of the poor of Great Coggeshall aforesaid it is therefore ordered by this court that the order of the said three justices be set aside and it is hereby set aside and discharged accordingly
clerk of the peace