Quarter Sessions Bundles (ERO Q/SBb51/29)

2.7.1711 (Monday 2 July 1711)

document 21000239

general quarter sessions monday in the week of the translation of st thomas the martyr 9.11.1711 whereas an order was made bearing date 18.5.last past under the seals of Jn Sparrow esq and Jn Cressener esq two justices of the peace for this county for the removing of one Jn Sadd junior with his wife and family from the parish of Earls Colne to Trinity parish Colchester that appearing unto them on oath to be the place of their last legal settlement and by the said justices so adjudged accordingly now upon hearing of the appeal of the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Trinity parish Colchester from the order of the said two justices and the parishioners of Earls Colne appearing to maintain their said order after hearing of counsel on both sides it appearing unto this court that the said Jn Sadd junior with his wife and family were last legally settled in the said parish of Earls Colne it is thereupon ordered by this court that the said order of the said two justices be set aside and it is hereby set aside accordingly