Earls Colne and Colne Priory rental (ERO D/DPr111)

=.3.1615 (March 1615)

document 22200337

of Robt Churche doctor of divinity for a tenement in Church St 8d (22) 4d1h(inserted)
E of him for Little Barcrofte 2d and for Stulpes alias Sprigsmarsh 5d and for a parcel of Barcrofte 10d and for a way to Barecrofte 1h and for a garden adjoining to his free tenement 1d1h and for two parcels of Barcrofte late Knight's 4s
E and of him for his
P tenement and lands called Clerks 10s11d and for Cates Croft 10d and for his tenement called Brettons 5d and for half an acre near Nickers Stile 3d