The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters

caption: tour diary of C.R. Pawsey of a frontier expedition into the Patkoi area
medium: toursnotes
person: Motilal
date: 17.5.1947
person: Pawsey/ C.R.Archer/ W.G.
date: 1946-1948
refnum: 13:20
text: 17th May '47. Met the Hills Inspector of Schools in the early morning and said goodbye. Got the permanent porters rations packed in loads in waterproof bags and also some salt and chillies. Arranged details of proceedure with Subadar Motilal an old friend.
text: Very hot in the morning and a thunderstorm in the late afternoon.
text: From various receipts produced, the medical department apparently are still unable to pay cash for their supplies as suggested by me when I was last here.