The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters

caption: letters from Mills to Archer
caption: Archer's tour to Chang country & failure of 'Hills Week' in Shillong
medium: lettersnotes
person: Mills/ J.P.Archer/ W.G.
ethnicgroup: Chang
date: 7.11.1947
person: Archer/ W.G.
date: 1946-1948
refnum: 10:5
text: Shillong
text: 7/11/1947
text: ....You don't say when you are going across the frontier. I suppose the Chang country. Enjoy yourself and let me know how you get on.
text: The Hills Week appears to be still born. There were milling crowds on the first day, and the wretched hill men were swamped. Very few people yesterday, I hear. I'm going down again today to see the exhibits properly.
text: I doubt if any European officials will stay much longer. So remember there will be no officers and don't let the Chang imagine things will go on as of old. (J.P. Mills)