The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947

caption: visit to Wokha
caption: trip to Kohima
caption: school
medium: diaries
ethnicgroup: Lhota
date: 12.8.1947
person: Archer/ Mildred
date: 9.7.1947-4.12.1947
text: In the afternoon we went to see the school. Unfortunately even in the Naga Hills, education is beginning to make boys despise manual labour. The school had recently had a strike when the boys refused to carry in the planks for their carpentry from the jungle where the sawyers had cut them. Their fathers or their uneducated relatives could do it. We often see middle-school boys and girls going back to school. They cannot carry their own bedding or cooking pots or even their umbrellas, but must have a coolie or humble relation to trot along behind with the load. I suppose the English secondary school boys scorn of the elementary school boy and his refusal to deliver errands or papers reflects a similar attitude. (39)