The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga notebook four

caption: mithan sacrifice
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Shiong
date: 14.8.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 14.8.1936-5.1937
refnum: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
note: [konyak] means text omitted
text: (15) Mithan sacrifice: Mithans are most frequently killed during the Oleabu, but also at any other time, if their owner wants their meat.
text: First the mithans are caught and fastened at any tree near the village. On the day the mithan is killed it is fastened at a post in front of the owner's house. If the owner is of Doa-lim clan an old man of the Niem-lim clan kills the mithan (and vice versa) with a dao. But first he says: [konyak] (17) The meat is cut up by the owner and his brother etc. All the villagers eat of the meat. Ahon keeps his cattle in Chui and Lengha, therefore he gives one hind leg to the Ang of that village he has brought the mithan from. In Shiong [there] are, and were, never mithan and cows, only pigs, fowls and dogs. The ordinary Shiong people have no mithans at all. The Shiong Ang has no mithans. Ahon feeds the whole village with rice and rice-beer when he kills a mithan. (18) Two days after the killing of the mithan, the young men of the owner's family go to the forest and cut a tree. They don't say any words. Then they carve the forked post with a carving of a mithan head and then bring the post to the village. While they set up the post they feed it with small pieces of every part of the mithan and with a little rice-beer and a special rice for gennas. (All this food is separately pounded and cooked for the post). They tie it up in leaves and put it to the (19) bottom of the post. They say some words which Ahon does not know as he was never present when the posts were erected, because it is not important. (20) SKETCH P.20