The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Plans for a new bungalow at Karami; orange trees; tax assessment at Karami; inheritance customs
medium: tours
location: Laruri (Karami) Nantaleik R. (Ti-Ho R.) Primi Meluri (Melomi)
date: 15.10.1922-16.10.1922
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 5.10.1922-5.11.1922
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 15th
text: To Karami. The present I.B. is almost to pieces and in any case is very inconvenient, being quite a mile beyond the village. It is time a new one was built, and I think it should be by the river, but not so that its water supply is the same as that of the village. The stream which supplies the village runs into the Ti-Ho a little above the Niemi bridge. Above this again there is another stream which crosses the bridle path some time before the village is reached and which would do well to supply the I.B. Orange trees should be brought from the Lhota country and planted in the I.B. compound. They would do well at Karami, and might do at Primi and Melomi also.
text: 16th
text: Halted Karami and assessed the village, each house almost has two families, as the eldest son has a right to his father's house when he marries, and the father and his wife remain on as a rule, though they do not seem to do any work, and there were only about 60 assessable families.