The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Difficulties in assessing Photsimi as half village recently burnt; coolie rates; dispute over Phozami salt wells
medium: tours
person: Nikiya
location: Phozami Purr (Photsimi)
date: 17.10.1922
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 5.10.1922-5.11.1922
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 17th
text: Back to Phozami via Photsimi, a longish march, not less than 20 miles, I suppose. I assessed Photsimi on the way, but imagine I under-assessed it. Half the village was burned recently and the burnt out people have not rebuilt and are living in "dhan houses", and with other people, and it was difficult to get any real idea of the number of households. The village was very full of very friendly people, but the number of families I was able to assess was only 70.
text: From Photsimi the village which killed Nikiya was clearly visible. It is said to be only about 10 miles from the river by the direct path, though when the river is high it is necessary to go to the bridge at Karami to cross.
text: The rate for coolies from Phozami to Karami, -/4/-, is too low for the distance, and now that both villages are assessed, it will have to be taken at -/6/- instead of four. Phozami have salt wells between their village and Photsimi and are now trying to prevent Photsimi from taking brine from them, which they have done for years. I think Photsimi have an established right to take brine, though not to make salt in Phozami huts on Phozami land.
text: I was very late in getting away from Karami as the village had been having a genna and most of them were sleeping off the effects of the night before, and I could not get coolies. I told them I should punish them and have suggested that they shall provide coolies for the Primi outpost when that is withdrawn.