The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Gaili - Golou land dispute
medium: tours
person: Kruzhele/ of KhonomaDozhao/ of Khonoma
location: Pedi Rawuma (Gaili) Chama (Golou) Paona Ghaspani Khonoma Zekwera (Yekura)
date: 12.1.1926-13.1.1926
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 9.1.1926-15.1.1926
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 12/1/1926 Halt. I went down to deal with the Gaili - Golou land case. These villages (otherwise known as Raluma and Chama) cultivate the low spurs running from Paona into the Ghaspani valley and the descent down the [sic] is very considerable - likewise the climb up. It is the third shot at this particular dispute, and I hope the last. The orders will be found with political case No. 16 of 1923. After it was over the bucks of the disputing villages danced together and jumped, etc. against one another in perfect good feeling, which was not bad seeing that Gaili had forfeited Rs. 100/- deposited in the Court and Golou had had to take an unwilling oath for a second time.
text: I came back through Gaili and found a dispute which was difficult to dispose of as two gentlemen of Khonoma - Kruzhele and Dozhao of the Merhema khel had queered the pitch by inducing one side, much against their will, to hear the oath of the other. I will deal with them in Khonoma.
text: I did not get back to the bungalow till after dark, having walked quite the equivalent of two marches.
text: 13/1/1926 To Yekura. Frost on Paona - the first I have seen this cold weather.