The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: to Borjan; a kleptomaniac; problem of dishonesty by tea garden employers; land negotiation with colliery
medium: tours
person: KilamlambaPawsey/ MrRobinchand
ethnicgroup: Semas
location: Borjan Mokokchung Sibsagar Gauhati Kohima Derari T.G. Lakhipur (Lakhimpur) Naginimara R.S. (Naginimara)
date: 10.12.1926
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 12.11.1926-11.12.1926
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 10/12/1926 To Borjan, where I stayed with the Colliery Manager. I disposed of a theft case sent up from Mokokchung. Kilamlamba, the culprit, is probably a kleptomaniac of sorts. He had 10 previous convictions in the Naga Hills as well as some (unrecorded in his sheet) in Sibsagar. He knows all about jails and prefers Gauhati and Kohima. The work is lighter and the food ampler, he says. He rather likes jail.
text: Some unfortunate Semas came in here. They worked last cold weather at Derari T.G., an Indian owned garden, and are due for Rs. 600/- to Rs. 1000/-. They do not know for certain whether they worked for the muharrir or for the manager. Each put the responsibility on the other. The one lives in Sibsagar and the other in Lakhimpur and we cannot get the two together for a case. Even if the Semas got a decree it will probably be thrown out for want of jurisdiction. The garden is not on the Tea Association's list and we can do nothing. This is scandal which is getting worse yearly. Special rules are needed for the disposal of cases between hire-men and employers in the plains. It is impossible for the Naga to stay down indefinitely and sooner or later he must go back to his village. Once there he cannot run a case. In any case he has as a rule no ready cash to pay lawyers in the plains and cannot go and come to court himself. The plains employers take full advantages of this and every cold weather hundreds of Nagas get cheated. There ought to be a provision for trying these cases by special courts, composed of officers from both districts concerned as is done in the case of questions between inhabitants of the Naga Hills and those of Manipur State, or of the Upper Chindwin district in Burma.
text: The manager of the Colliery has offered to reproduce the present thana buildings on a new site nearer the collieries in exchange for the old site of the thana and the buildings on it. This is an offer worth accepting. The present thana site is unhealthy and disliked by all posted there. The work is nearly all in Borjan and not at Naginimara station. If the thana is moved it will be to a much pleasanter and healthier spot and Mr Pawsey and I selected a suitable site, and the manager would put it on the Colliery and Railway Station telephone. I think his offer should be accepted. He will gain by getting a plot of land near the station which otherwise he will have to pay for, though the thana got it for nothing.
text: Robinchand has submitted an estimate for the S.I.'s quarters and cook-house for Rs. 1600/- odd.