The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Description of a party of German visitors
medium: tours
person: Tegart/ Sir CharlesVan Manen/ MrMahner-Mons/ Herr HansWirsching/ HerrSchermann/ Dr
location: Chakhabama (Sakhabama) Kohima Tamu
date: 17.4.1928
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 17.4.1928-9.5.1928
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: J.H. Hutton Tour Diary: 17 April - 9 May 1928
text: 17 April
text: To Sakhabama. At the time I left Kohima there was a party of Germans in the Inspection Bungalow. They were guaranteed by Sir Charles Tegart and a letter had been received from Government to give them assistance, also they had a letter of introduction to me from Mr. Van Manen. I had induced them to send the lady and their motor mechanic through to Tamu via Manipur and undertook to take the other two men, one of whom was a camera man with cinema apparatus as far as the border of the Manipur State. They did not appear so fearfully anxious to take photographs, and I gathered that the non-photographic men and the lady were merely sort of Wander-vogel seeing the world on the cheap - and uncomfortable. They had no servants and proposed going through Yunnan to Hanoi in Tongkin. The leader of the party one Herr Hans Mahner-Mons described himself as a writer of best seller novels of a sensational sentimental variety, which he said were detestable trash, but the only way he knew to earn a comfortable living and enable him to travel, which he seems to have done extensively in Africa. The Kamera-mann is a Bavarian named Wirsching who knows Dr. Schermann of Munich and takes educational 'kultur' films for the Emelka Cinema Company of that town.