The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Phuilomi village poverty; pre-Naga Khoumi sites
medium: tours
ethnicgroup: Mayang
location: Phuilomi Tapui R.
date: 20.5.1934
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 4.5.1934-27.5.1934
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 20th To Phuilomi, (vide entry of May 13th above). They told me there was a path but the first two or three miles was a scramble along the bank of the Tapui over boulders, mud, dead bamboos, tree trunks and detritus of all kinds; then a stiff climb through high grass, ekra and wild plantain trees, the path shut in and airless making it very exhausting. It was a relief to get out over the ridge into a rolling valley of decently short grass. The village is very poor. Half the houses are inhabited by more or less destitute widows or invalids, and I do not see how they can raise their revenue for last year. I recounted the village for future revenue, but I think it probably ought to be at Rs.2/- as before and not Rs.3/-. All the fine of rice has been paid.
text: They told me here of several sites in these hills formerly occupied for a short time by Khoumi i.e., villages of plains men at the site of which earthenware chillums were still found and who used elephants and long daos. The one near here they tell me split up, half going on towards Manipur and the other half back towards the plain. Can the Manipuri half have been ancestors of the Mayang? They are apparently 3 or 4 'Khoumi' sites in the Kachha Naga country; possibly they were Kacharis who came up after the sack of Dimapur or Maibung.