The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.P. Mills, tour diary, August 1928

caption: Plans for preservation of megaliths; sacrifices for rain
medium: notestours
person: Calvert/ Mr
ethnicgroup: Khelma
location: Gunjong Kopili R.
date: 5.8.1928-6.8.1928
person: Mills/ J.P.
date: 8.1928
refnum: (from): J.P.Mills and others, "Tour Diaries and Administrative Notes from the North Cachar Hills, Assam. 1928-1940. Unpublished Government Papers" at SOAS Library, London. Pam. Assam B 314349.
text: 5th August. To Gunjong 10 miles. 7.10 - 12. A hot, tiring march in this weather. Even with many ups and downs there is a nett rise of 2000 feet. At 23 and a quarter miles I saw the pear stone monoliths first noticed by Mr. Calvert. The bridle path runs through them and some (horrasco references [sic]) have even been destroyed in making it. The grass and bushes are so high that it is impossible to say how many stones there are, but they are undoubtedly both numerous and fine. I intend going up for a small annual grant to keep the place clear. Fencing can be considered later. The site is certainly worth preserving and has the great advantage of being on a bridle path. It is the most easily accessible of all and the Civil Work staff can easily keep an eye on it in the course of their tours. Will the Subdivisional Officer please make an estimate. Sacrifices for rain are being offered by the Khelmas down at the Kopili. If it does not come soon the crops will suffer.
text: 6th August. Halt. Rested the camp and dealt with dak. The Subdivisional Officer had a number of cases.