The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

letters from J.P. Mills to Henry Balfour

caption: Enthusiastic response to suggestion of Balfour's visit; lack of ornithological literature
medium: letters
person: Balfour/ Henry
date: 13.1.1922
person: Mills/ J.P.
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Mills Ms.
text: Jan. 13th, 1922.
text: Dear Mr. Balfour,
text: It is indeed good news that you may really come out to the Naga Hills next autumn. Don't forget that I shall claim a large share of you. We will study both Nagas and birds together. There is no book that I know of on the ornithology of that part of the world, but I think when I get back and have a little time I can make out a fairly complete list of the birds from my notes. For identification I always use the 'Bird' volumes of the fauna of India - books which unfortunately are very hard to obtain...
text: Yours sincerely,
text: J.P. Mills