The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - Tour Diary of Keith Cantlie, 1919-1920

caption: Gurkhali settlers
medium: tours
keywords: khuti
location: Merema (Merama) Keruma
date: 23.2.1920
person: Cantlie/ Keith
date: 1919-1920
refnum: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: February 23rd.
text: To Merama and counted it visiting two Gurkhali Khutis on the way. I found no one without a pass. The families will grow up unfortunately and will all want to stay. There is a decrease of one house in two years. Went on to Keruma. Elephants damaged the crops last rains and there were numbers of remissions. The number of houses has decreased by 14 in two years. There were some influenza deaths there in the Epidemic. There is a vacancy for a Goanbura but as the Goanburas draw no commission for 7 years since 1915 for returning a false total I found great unwillingness to take on the post.