The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - H.H. Godwin-Austen, Journal of a Tour in Assam, 26th November 1872 to 15th April 1873

caption: Ogle leaves for North-West; Romah Sing's statement; Godwin-Austen leaves for North-East alone
medium: tours
person: OgleRomah SingThomson
location: Iril R. (Eeril R.)
date: 1.3.1873
person: Godwin-Austen/ H.H.
date: 26.11.1872-4.4.1873
person: Royal Geographical Society, London
text: 1st March
text: Everything was ready next morning, got up early in order that there should be no hurry-skurry in starting & as Ogle goes off in another direction things had to be divided. He goes off to the NWward, I make to the NEward up the valley of the Eeril. Had bkfast at 9 o/c & started immediately after. Saw Romah Sing's statement, a tissue of lies & accusing moreover Thomson of using insulting language to him on our last return to Sikhami, returning evil for good with a vengeance for Thomson was as bland & kind to the old ruffian as he positively could be & never alluded to what had transpired before we started for the Lanier side & Butler took very little notice of him at all.
text: (54) Our road lay in the same direction for a short distance, & we then shook hands & I wended my solitary way alone, after so many days with companions hardly for 10 minutes separated from Ogle either by day or night for we occupy the same tent, I found the march a rather dull one & the evening & dinner still duller. Halted at a village called Kaidi which is close under the hill I want to visit & not far from the next on the East side of the Eeril. The low tilas I passed are very bare. The NW slopes have a scanty shrub jungle. The valley is a dead flat rice cultivation & coarse grass about 8 ft high. The Eeril floods in a deep even about 50 yards broad course having cut down 35 ft below the level of the valley. Went out in evening to look for some duck in a long narrow strip of water close under the hill & is evidently the remains of the old drainage system. I noticed the sandstones red & ochre colored were perpendicular strike N-S.