The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

part of original tour diary of Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe 1876

caption: Nagas becoming aware of Woodthorpe's party's firepower; acceptance of gifts and presenting of red cloths and caps
medium: tours
person: MemaramOgle
location: Chimei R. (Cheme R.) Luphuephetemi Luphuemi Wokha Yehimi (Yehim) Lukobomi (Lukobo) Shichemi (Chichimi) Longsa
date: 14.3.1876
person: Woodthorpe/ R.G.
date: 1875-1876
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: Tuesday 14th.
text: (Fine all day but cloudy at times. Road good. Height Cheme River at 9 a.m. 3010/2930 M = 2970. Luphuephetemi 5460/5250 M = 5555 117 houses. Luphuemi 2.30 p.m. 6260/6000 M = 6130 54 houses. Camp at 10 p.m. 3160/3050 M = 3105. Camp at 6 a.m. 3160/3100 M = 3130. Min 55o.)
text: Did not get up till 6.30 as Memaram told me at 5 a.m. that if we did not march till 7 every one would be able to get water and cook. Went down to Cheme and walked there. Commenced sketch of Wokha Nagas. My half spectacles (Aunt Emily's) lost. Went on up to Luphuemi. Had tiffin outside. Heaps of zu brought out which was equally distributed. (59) After tiffin Ogle and I went up through the upper village and beyond; plane tabled. Man pointed out Yehim and said he had been to Lukobo via Yehim to see what damage we had done there. He said 10 Lukobo men had fell and 7 from below me being shot the day I told them I should fire on them if they came on and did.
text: These two villages are not very large or rich apparently. They have drums and the graves of gaonburas are as shown in a sketch I made. The doors are as shown.
text: Camp in some fields above little stream. Nagas from Chichimi did not want us to go to their village. Told them I accepted presents as sign of friendliness but did not bind myself not to go near their village. Brought in fowls, goats, zu etc. Also Luphuemi Nagas after dinner brought in rice (2 maunds) fowls, goats, eggs etc. Let off some fireworks etc. Gave old fellow who had come from Longsa with us a red cloth and cap and 2 Luphuemi men a cap each.