The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

part of original tour diary of Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe 1876

caption: Threatening Naga reception faced down and supplies given; description of daos, morungs, dhan houses etc.
medium: tours
person: Tulloch/ ColChit Bahadur
location: Longtang (Lungtum) Yaru Kamahu Chihu Vinyu (Ninu) Primi Wokha
date: 17.3.1876
person: Woodthorpe/ R.G.
date: 1875-1876
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: Friday 17th.
text: (Fine but cloudy morning. Thunder storms as usual in afternoon and evening. Road very good. Lungtum at 9 a.m. 120 houses 4660/4500 M = 4580. River at 11 a.m. 3000/2910 M = 2955. Yaru at 1.30 p.m. 150 houses 5260/5000 M = 5130. Camp at 9 p.m. 2760/2610 M = 2705. Min 48.5o.)
text: Up early. Marched about 7. Arrived at Lungtum about 8.30. Villagers brought down rice, fowls, goats etc. but put up mats etc. across main street. Having got the coolies up, however, we went on through the village sending camp round. Plane tabled down to the stream. Breakfast and went on to Yaru. Arrived at 12. Villagers had been beating drum and appeared dancing about in full war dress flashing daos etc. The Colonel went into village one way and we by another and caught a lot in the village who would otherwise have bolted. They put down their arms and gave us 2 fowls, 2 goats and a little grain (job's tears). Plane tabled and we came down to stream about 3.30. Shaded plane table. Had to give Chit Bahadur 12 cane strokes for taking spear haft from Lungtum. (61) The villages today strongly resemble those of Kamahu etc. in arrangement of houses architecture etc. and the men are tattooed on the chest as at Chihu (see p. 32). The dao blades are many of them 1 foot long and rather narrow, though of Ninu pattern - here we meet with the tufts of hair on handle - the cases are as shown (sup. 32).
text: The morungs are not always closed at the side and contain the drum which a little different in form from those already described. (